pooler | | Optimise DNA sequencing primer-set combinations |
pop | | Database migration tool |
pop3.proxy | | The pop3.proxy is an application level proxy for POP3 |
popup-el-current | | Visual popup user interface library for emacs |
portablexdr | | XDR library for Unix, Linux, Windows and Mac OS X |
portaudio | | TODO: Short description of the package |
portfwd | | Port Forwarding Daemon |
portmidi | | Cross Plattform MIDI IO |
portscout | | Check for new versions of software in the ports/pkgsrc tree |
posh | | Debian Policy-compliant Ordinary SHell |
postal2-mpdemo-bin | | Demo of a violent 3D game |
postfix-logwatch | | Postfix log reporting utility |
postgresql-pgvector | | Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres |
postoffice | | Simple SMTP mail server and client |
pounce | | TLS-only multi-client IRC bouncer |
povray | | Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer |
powerdevil | | Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell |
powerdns-recursor52 | | PowerDNS resolver |
powerline | | Ultimate statusline/prompt utility |
powwow | | Client to play MUDs |
PPower4 | | PDF presentation post processor |
ppp | | Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over serial lines |
ppr | | PPR is a print spooler for PostScript printers |
ppsspp | | PSP emulator |
praat | | Doing phonetics by computer |
preload | | Adaptive readahead daemon |
premake | | Build script generator |
premake4 | | Build script generator |
presenterm | | Markdown terminal slideshow tool |
preseq | | Predict yield of distinct reads from a genomic library |
primesieve | | TODO: Short description of the package |
prjtrellis | | Documenting the Lattice ECP5 bit-stream format |
probcons | | Probabilistic Consistency-based Multiple Alignment of Amino Acid Sequences |
probe | | ProBE is an animator for CSP processes |
procps | | The Linux /proc file system utilities |
prodigal | | Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm |
progreiserfs | | Library to manipulate reiserfs filesystems |
proj | | Cartographic projection software |
proj-data | | Cartographic projection software data files |
prometheus-lts | | The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database |
promtail | | Agent to ship logs to Grafana Loki |
proplib | | Portable Property container object library |
proselint | | Linter for prose |
prosody | | Flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua |
proton-bridge | | ProtonMail Bridge application |
prover9 | | Prover9 is an automated theorem prover |
proxify | | Swiss Army knife Proxy tool for HTTP/HTTPS |
proxychains | | Chain multiple proxies in a transparent way |
proxychains-ng | | Chain multiple SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxies in a transparent way |
proxyknife | | Proxyknife is a tool to validate free proxies |
prozilla | | ProZilla is a multi-threaded download accelerator |
prpltwtr | | Treat microblogging (Twitter, etc) as IM protocols |
prtunnel | | Tunnels TCP connections through an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy |
prusaslicer | | Converts 3D models into G-code for 3D printing |
psh | | Perl Shell |
psybnc | | Easy-to-use, multi-user, permanent IRC-Bouncer with many features |
pt-ttf | | Public fonts for minority languages of Russia |
pta | | Reads and writes bookkeeping journals |
ptlib | | Portable Windows Libary |
ptpd | | Precision Time Protocol Daemon |
pts | | Perl TetriNET Server |
ptunnel | | TCP tunnel over ICMP |
pudb | | Curses-based interface to Python debugger |
pulseaudio-qt | | Qt bindings for libpulse |
pure | | Modern-style functional programming language based on term rewriting |
purple-facebook | | Facebook protocol plugin for libpurple |
purple-teams-git | | MS Teams protocol plugin for libpurple |
pwnat | | NAT to NAT client-server communication |
pxlib | | C language library for reading Paradox database files |
pxview | | Simple utility to view Paradox database files |
py-achemkit | | Artificial Chemistry Tookit |
py-acq4 | | Neurophysiology acquisition and analysis platform |
py-adal | | Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for Python |
py-adawat | | Adawat Arabic Language Toolkit |
py-adsbibdesk | | Add papers from arxiv.org or NASA/SAO ADS to your BibDesk bibliography |
py-aerocalc | | Aeronautical Engineering Calculations |
py-affine | | Matrices describing affine transformation of the plane |
py-agaro | | Framework to run models |
py-ahoy | | Agent-based simulations of active particles |
py-aikif | | Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Information Framework |
py-aioconsole | | Asynchronous console and interfaces for asyncio |
py-aioh2 | | HTTP/2 implementation with hyper-h2 on Python 3 asyncio |
py-aiohttp-jinja2 | | Jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web |
py-aioopenssl | | TLS-capable transport using OpenSSL for asyncio |
py-aiosasl | | Pure-python, protocol agnostic SASL library for asyncio |
py-aioxmpp | | Pure-python XMPP library for asyncio |
py-aipy | | Astronomical Interferometry in Python |
py-albatross | | Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications |
py-alfanous | | Quranic search engine API |
py-alg3dpy | | 3D Algebra in Python |
py-algebraic | | Algebraic modeling system for Python |
py-algebraixlib | | Data algebra library |
py-algopy | | ALGOPY: Taylor Arithmetic Computation and Algorithmic Differentiation |
py-altair | | Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python |
py-alyahmor | | Alyahmor Arabic Morphological Genrator for Python |
py-amply | | Allows you to load and manipulate AMPL/GLPK data as Python |
py-amqpipe | | Twisted based pipeline framework for AMQP |
py-amqplib | | Client library for AMQP written by python |
py-anfft | | FFT package for Python, based on FFTW |
py-anki2 | | Flashcard learning program (v2) |
mk | | Subfolder |